Your Reunion Committee
Carey Dowdle-Horton & Charles Lynch, Co-Chairs
Rose Merry Lapides Brown
Martha (Hurt) & Ben Bryant
Jerry Crook
Ann (Mahorney) & Mike Erwin
Beth White Gurner
Lynn Phillips Kugele
Barbara Johnston Ogles
Martha Delius Pugh
Robert A. Ray
Shelly Rosengarten
Donna Winfield Skaarer
Patty (Jenkins) & Harte Thomas
John Thompson
Kathy Magargel Logan
Carolyn Belluscio Warren
Class of WSHS64 50th Reunion”
White Station
High School
'Class of 1964'
Accommodations and Reservations: Embassy Suites - 1022 Shady Grove, Memphis TN 38120 - 901-684-1777; Our group rate is $145 plus tax. Below is your link to make your reservations or you may call noting the code WSH and you are with the White Station HS 55th Class Reunion. Note the rates are for Friday and Saturday nights and they are ready to take your reservations.
Group Name:
White Station HS 55th Class Reunion
Group Code: WSH
Check-in April 12, 2019
Check-out: April 14, 2019
Hotel Name: Embassy Suites by Hilton Memphis
Address: 1022 South Shady Grove Road, Memphis TN 38120
Phone: 866-625-2589 for phone reservations
Hospitality Suite Open Thursday mid aftenoon thru Saturday evening til...
Embassy Suites offers two types of two room suites: A King Suite and a Double Suite. If you’d like to share a Double Suite, let us know and we’ll spread the word hoping to make that happen. Make your reservations early! Only so many rooms are being held at this rate at this time; however book early - with some advance notice, they will expand that number.
Embassy Suites offers airport shuttle and is available within 3 miles of the hotel 7 - 10 pm.
Lobby Bar for your convenience.
We will invite other classes to join us Saturday night so if there’re friends from graduating classes 1962 - 1966, please let me know. I’ll have contact for each of those classes and can share your request with them or share the contact so you can encourage them to join you and catch up with them as well!
Reunion Cost for Friday and Saturday Night Events - $50 per person
Our 55th Reunion
starring our own
'Tom Somerville'
WSHS Class of ’64'
Join Us For the Celebration of Our 55th Reunion!
7:00 pm - 10:30 pm Friday Evening, April 12, 2019
Cocktail Buffet - Open Bar
Home of Barbara Johnston Ogles
180 South Goodlett
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm Saturday, Evening, April 13, 2019
Dinner Buffet by Grisanti’s & Rock & Roll
6:00 - 10:00 Cash Bar
6:30 Buffet Served
7:00 - 10:00 DJ Alex Ward
Embassy Suites
1022 South Shady Grove Road at Poplar
Hospitality Room ~ Embassy Suites
Contact Persons:
Suites, Hospitality, Other:
White Station Class of 1964 55th Reunion
hospitality room now I opened Thursday mid afternoon
thru Saturday evening til ..
***Friday night parking is allowed by special permit
on the east side of Goodlett only beginning at 7 PM till…
Accommodations and Reservations
Embassy Suites
1022 Shady Grove, Memphis TN 38120 901-684-1777
Our group King or Double Two Room Suite rate is $145 + tax. Below is our
link to make reservations. You may call giving the code WSH. You are
with the “White Station HS 55th Class Reunion” group.
Group Name: White Station HS 55th Class Reunion
ask for Rayla in sales office.”
Group Code: WSH
Group Rate $145+ tax ~
4 Nights from Thursday, April 11th - Sunday April 14th
Hotel Name: Embassy Suites by Hilton Memphis
Hotel Address: 1022 South Shady Grove Road, Memphis TN 38120
Phone: 866-625-2589 for phone reservations
Book your Reservations by March 25.March 12, 2019 for Group Rate
Book ASAP for Availability
Complimentary Breakfast
(Available to guests of hotel guests for $10)
Monday - Friday 6:30 - 9:30 am
Saturday & Sunday 7:30 - 10:30
Complimentary Evening Cocktail Reception
7 Days a Week 5:30 - 7:30
(Bar in hotel lobby for non hotel guests)
Complimentary Airport Shuttle
Onward Spartans